I guess i just need to vent


UPDATE: Im not pregnant. I was negative for STD’s. And I’m going back to counseling to work through this and other things. Thank you for all The genuine concerns comments and stories.

Its been a month after the guy i was talking to forced himself onto me. I spent the last three weeks with mixed emotions from crying to guilt to anger to even wishing he didn’t do that and we’d work out since he already took a piece of me. He hit me up and said hes surprised i responded bc he thought I’d hate him forever, then he got to saying he’s going to be different and respect me etc. i gave him a second chance idk why i still don’t, and we ended up having sex it was consented i let it happen it was just in the moment and i felt like he’d get it from me even if i did say no but I wasn’t actually scared he seemed to be so different from the previous time.... he was sweet and gentle and we talked for hours before this time but he played me the next day. After telling me he’d give me what I deserved snd be good to me. He told me the next day after sex “dont get your hopes up” and how he’s a hoe. It’s like i just wanted him to be the person he claimed he would because we had sex im so tired of being used and because i didnt willingly at first give him my body i just wanted it to work i feel so unloved and dumb idk what’s wrong with me. Plus it’s almost time for my period so im praying it comes because the first time I still don’t know if he pulled out bc he wants a kid. Another reason i was so upset idk why i ever thought someone like that would change.. i have no idea why.

I just wanted it to work so bad because I never wanted to have sex and he took the power from me i was starting back my celibacy and got over all my exes and broke soul ties. I get extremely attached after sex no matter how it was initiated so I felt like I couldn’t separate the fact this guy was completely trash from the part of me that wants to make good out of a shitty situation.

I never wanted to admit it but it’s a pattern with me that I now see. I’ve been in a verbally abusive sometimes physical relationship which was my first ever relationship that went on on snd off for a few years. My dad has always been verbally abusive but never understood how seriously i took it and how the words he uses snd the way he treats me set the tone for every guy I’ve dealt with.

I’m NEVER seeing that guy again he’s completely cut off and blocked I never deserved any of that and I’m just now realizing my worth.