Always having to initiate our conversations?

I’m in a new relationship. We have known eachother for about 4 months and been dating for a bit over a month. We both have mutual feelings for eachother. The only thing is that, I have to initiate the conversation both in person and over text. I brought it up to his attention and he said that he would much rather hear me talk about myself over him and it bugs me because I want to know everything about him too. Sometimes I feel like he shows no interest or if I’m boring because of the lack of effort he puts in. If I don’t text him first we won’t text at all. It just bugs me because I feel like a nuisance even though he reassures me. I don’t know to bring about it again, I don’t want to hurt his feelings or make it seem like he doesn’t put any effort into this relationship because he does in a lot of aspects.