Really uncomfortable.


Just a backstory - I live in the UK. The age of consent here is 16. My boyfriend us 22 and I'm 18. His brother is almost 25.

His mum has been suspicious about his brother for a while now - I got a message from someone yesterday about him saying she had slept with his brother when she had only just turned 17 and was fresh out of school. He told her not to tell anyone.

Obviously I've told my partner and I think we're going to tell his mum because to me - he's being a bit of a nonce.

Am I wrong to say he's being a bit of a nonce? - She's not the first 16/17 year old his almost 25 year old brother has slept with.

He's also been forcing no.condom and he has genital warts (ik this because he gave my older sister them) and making inappropriate sexual.comments to me, which I've obviously shut down and my partner has told him to knock it off.

I'm having my daughter in September and I'm feeling really grossed out about having this lowkey POS around her.