Is it acceptable for me to not attend important events in my fiancé’s family if my social anxiety is too extreme?


I always have had a bit of social anxiety but I can normally manage it. Just not with his family, they make my anxiety debilitating

My fiancé’s sister is having an engagement party and I have genuinely had panic attacks just THINKING about it

His das has groped me sexually at previous family functions and has an intimidating personality

His cousin hates me for some reason and will 100% start shit with me or turn others against me

His mum doesn’t respect my boundaries or privacy in general

His grandfather hates me because I’m not leading a Christian lifestyle

I know if I attend I will need alcohol to calm my nerves. But there is just no way something bad won’t happen or some type of confrontation . Let’s just say there’s a lot of unspoken tension and issues

This is just a brief idea of the situation

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