Would you date someone with HIV?

Please no offence.

I’m not judgemental etc or make any assumptions how anyone contracted it whether birth or through other ways i don’t judge anyone and have no issues being friends etc.

But personally I wouldn’t want to date someone with HIV even though there are ways to protect your self from getting it..

I was shocked to read a post that I believe she is undetectable so her and her partner do not use protection ( condoms) ..

I also read people were saying that if someone says they don’t want to date the person they are a bad person so I guess I had to think about it ..

I get it they wouldn’t want to date me either and there is many people who will so no need to say that.

I really feel I’m non judgmental so I guess I was abit surprised when I was kind of feeling some kind of way.. like I have two kids I can’t afford to take risks and there is a risk in everything.

Now if someone I was already in love with contracted some how not through cheating but like how ever way yes I would stay because I already love them by that point ..

I more so mean if someone told me on a second date .. I would be respectful and maybe stay friends

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