Don’t be naive!!


As I sit here nursing my 2wk old, I feel it’s time to write my story. This is my second pregnancy and daughter. I had a 100% natural birth with my first. It was perfect. No epidural, no interventions, and only 9hrs. With this last pregnancy I was looking forward to doing it all again. More terrified this time because I knew what the pain was like. But God had other plans for us. At 35wks, I was told my baby was frank breech and would need to be either turned or taken by cesarean. This terrified me! Not only the thought of losing my freedom to choose how I birthed but that I want a big family and a C-section would alter that choice for me. So after many trips to the chiropractor and hours of doing breech tilts and every position under the sun to flip this kid, she was not budging!!😰here I was, 37+6, getting a growth scan to check baby’s weight and position. They discover my fluid levels were at a 4 and the average low should be an 8-9(not sure what unit it’s measured) so with that, the doctors all got involved discussing how they’d get my baby out. They took me down for some testing (nst and amniotic fluid swab) and decided to get me an epidural and go for the ECV. Well that failed because the baby’s heart rate dropped to the 90’s and they didn’t want to put her In Too much stress so they ‘gave up’. I ended up with an emergency Csection. Not my idea plan. Not the birth experience I had imagined. I was NAIVE by thinking I would never have to deal with one so I NEVER did my research. I knew very little about them. Doctors talk about them like they’re easy and quick. Sure the baby is out in 5min instead of 15hrs But You spend WEEKS recovering. You are sore in places you didn’t know would be sore. You have to learn how to do things you’ve been doing since infancy WITHOUT using your abs. There is no discussion about this with the doctor before hand. No one tells you there are 7 layers being cut through. And two of those are vertical incisions SO everything under your belly button is sore and sensitive to the touch. They are no walk in the park. But we are ALIVE and my daughter is the sweetest little babe...I’m grateful I didn’t opt out of the ultrasound. If I had, my daughter may not be so lucky. Ladies, this is a reminder to not do what I did, do your research. Learn about all and every intervention no matter how scary it may be❤️Liliana Grace. 6lb 3oz❤️