Help ????

My boyfriend of 9 years, I’m 36 weeks pregnant he’s always coming to my house late, he talks to me like shit, he is racist, he’s Jamaican I’m white, he says I treat him like a slave, if anything he treats me like a slave, he says white people brought in aids/hiv, he says I treat him like a son or a slave when all I ask him for is his time which he never gives me, I have to beg for his attention, his moms racist too, he has blocked me now because I rang him and his phone was off , when I got through he said he’s gonna be gone all day and night again and come back when he feels like it, I told him it’s over I can’t keep going through this, yes I’m having his baby because I wanted his child, then he started treating me like this, so don’t jump on saying why have you had his kid, we all make bad choices but il love my child regardless!

Can’t breathe from crying so much,

He’s treated me like this fir to long now and I still took him back but why I can’t be strong I love him to death!

He’s 50 I’m 30 it’s like he’s put a spell on me or something I wish I could break it off but he’s all I’ve got