1st ultrasound (abdominal) I thought I was 6+4 but the nurse said only about 3 or 4 weeks.. Is this normal? I thought it was from the first date of last period which would for me be over 6 weeks... Xx


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Posted at
Also of your cycles aren't regular it will put it off...they usually tell you by the first day of your last cycle...like in my case if they went by that I would be almost 18 weeks instead I'm almost 15.


Megan • Oct 3, 2015
im also surprised they could see anything with an abdominal ultrasound that early...usually they do a transvaginal one.


Posted at
If you were due for AF on the 18th then you should be around 6 and a half weeks or so......


Posted at
So in a way, youre both right! She says 3-4 wks gestation, and you say 6 wks. Both right :)! Pregnancy is mind boggling!!!! Lol


Ellie • Oct 3, 2015
Sorry, meant to add that to the strand we had goin on! Lol


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A due date is an estimate. It's not the day you will deliver nor a accurate "age" 


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Yeah it's the first day of your last period when I pregnancy starts


Melissa • Oct 3, 2015
when a pregnancy*


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You could have ovulated later, so it's not a guarantee. This early in the game, it's hard to tell what's happening. It's a wait and see type of deal. My LMP puts me a full week ahead of my baby's actual gestational age, because I didn't ovulate until cycle day 21.


Posted at
My dad of conception and last period were two and a half weeks off do not be concerned!


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Was it the tech that said this or your Dr?


Laura • Oct 5, 2015
The tech lady.. X


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Last MISSED period :) do you know when you conceived?


Ellie • Oct 3, 2015
You always tack on another two weeks to babys' gestational age to date how far along you are. So if you are about 4 wks gestation, then you are 6 wks along. Since its based on your LMP, they add two weeks for conception.


Ellie • Oct 3, 2015
Ok so then that sounds about right! Your due date is what they said it would be. Plus early ultrasounds are the most accurate. The earlier the better. Once you pass your first trimester it becomes hard to date because then babies start to grow at different rates. They all look the same early on. :)


Laura • Oct 3, 2015
Oh I see! I think it would be first week of September .. I was due on around 18 September ish xx