UPDATE— this is weird I know ..

I’m weird I know lol

Does anyone want to talk on here like and check in with each other every now and again ?

I can’t send pictures back and fourth and said my Facebook because I haven’t got one .. but if you want to talk .. I can message you?

I think there is something wrong with me ..

My life is good.


I’m not good with keeping friends.

Other than this I have no social media as I just don’t like it I don’t like posting pictures or fake friends seeing what I’m doing.

My friends from .. school.. college.. etc who I’ve met along the way we may text every now and again. Mums at kids school we met for coffee couple times..

I must be the only one in the world with no friends.

I don’t like socialising much..

How can I get to adult hood with not one best friend and trust me the so called friends on WhatsApp I’ve met along the way who may need help writing a report or something and calling me “sis” when they thank me for help is not the same.

I’m lonely and feel if it wasn’t for my kids I could die and no one would know I would just be eaten by cats.. I don’t even have cats.

Oh wait I remember I have one friend who I see once a year we go away for the weekend together and talk on WhatsApp but still that’s pretty lame for me to have a lot of free time flexible job to just sit at home when I’m free.

I’m 100% sure there is no one in this situation ( apart from people forced

Not to have friends by abusive partners or over worked or too busy with kids and so on. I have no excuse . I sometimes like being on my own and it’s my fault for distancing myself from people a long time ago.

I’m always there for

or if people in my past on what’s app but not close enough to even call each other friends or hang out anymore 😣

I want to be normal...

Be okay around people..

Have social media and stuff but just can’t have people looking at me .

Anyone similar

With out this site I would completely be isolated ( I work from home and don’t talk to

Many people now dropping kids off at school )

EDIT- thanks for your replies so far .. I’m not on Facebook I don’t even feel comfortable doing that like I can’t post pictures or comment I even thought I was mentally not right as I deleted Facebook 2 years ago .. but nope I’m not even depressed I just got stranger and stranger as times gone on I can’t give a reason exactly.

Thanks again I will say it’s nice to know I’m not alone but also not nice that others feel the same.

That’s the common theme I have noticed I really don’t want any friends fall of drama I just want the simple life and I’ve had that in the past which I know I can’t deal with now.

Thank you for sharing your experience and not calling me pathetic . A lot of what your saying is making me realise similar patterns/reasons etc in my self.