Can birth change you as a person ?

Before the birth of my child, my so & I were fine . Everything was great . Now here it is only a couple months after having our baby and I just feel like I don’t even like him anymore . There are things that he does that I don’t like and yes I try to talk to him about it but he just dismisses it and just blames me for everything . He never listens to me and try to see what he is doing that is bothering me but other than that yes we’ve had issues before and I feel like it’s all coming back building up with more recent things . I do love him and I do want to be with him but I’m scared because the way I feel is totally different . It’s like I don’t like him . I love him but I don’t like him. I find myself bothered with everything he does now , even being around him sometimes. I have an attitude with him and sometimes I don’t even realize it until he points it out