Joining the single moms club

Jaz • Baby Mom 🧑🏽‍🦱

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend after 8 years. I’m 28w5days pregnant. We actually planned our pregnancy but things clearly just keep getting worst between us. He was constantly coming home late after already getting off work at 2am. He was drinking all the time, so I left June 16th to visit my family and I was there for 3 weeks. Since I got back he’s been coming straight home after work, and stopped drinking (from what i know. However, yesterday he decided to go back to his same ole routine but this time he didn’t fucking show up until 7:15am.

Why I broke up with him....

I wrote this earlier today on here: It’s 6:40am...I’m 28 weeks pregnant and I’m just so tired of this shit.

My boyfriend got off work at 2am, he texted me at 2:24am and said he was getting pizza and will be home soon. I said something and his response at 2:45 was he’s drunk, so him and the other security guards got pizza.

I called her a few times around 4:35am/5am not even being this point that anger turned into me being worried since he said he was drunk. I didn’t heard from him at all. This isn’t his 1st time doing this. At one point we were always arguing because he was constantly drinking at work and coming home late. You’re fucking security at a nightclub, and you’re getting that drunk it’s fucking unacceptable!! He hasn’t done this is awhile but and I’m so tired of this shit. At this point I can’t help but to feel like he’s cheating on me.

I already packed my bags, and called my mom and decided I’m going to leave instead of waiting to fly back home for my baby shower. I’m so pissed off because I knew the minute he would get a new car he would pull this shit!

Smh, I was just telling him earlier today how I had planned something big tomorrow for his birthday which isn’t even til the beginning of next month. What a waste of money, time, and effort.

*update : his excuse was that he was sleeping outside our house since 3:40am because he wanted to avoid fighting with me. But that makes no sense because I didn’t get pissed off until he didn’t fucking show up until 7:15am. He made it worst and now I absolutely believe he was cheating on me. I packed my stuff and I’m staying at a friends house for the next two days before I drive 6 hours to go back to my parents house.