Is it just me?

I don’t understand the break up revenge posts. Why are you doing that? Can’t you move on and act like an adult? It seems childish to me. Some of y’all really be out in your twenties or thirties doing it too💀🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ I think if you’re childish enough to do that you shouldn’t be dating people. Why try and make your ex jealous? It obviously didn’t work out so try your best to move on and try not to get caught up in your feelings about it. Yeah it sucks but ya know what? It’s better than being unhappy in a relationship. Both people should be happy and if your out to get “revenge” clearly you were not happy either if you want to make them feel bad I think you shouldn’t be in a relationship . Maybe that’s just me but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️