should i go to the doctor ?

okay ladies so for the past 4-5 days i’ve noticed a change in my vagina. the first day i noticed this faint weird smell and i thought well maybe i just need to shower so i showered. but then i had sex and was kind of embarrassed because that smell was still there. and then i’d realized that my vulva was kind of swollen. well i was looking at yeast infections on the internet and i’d have one or two symptoms but none of the others. like other than my discharge being more than normal, and a weird smell everything’s fine. like i’m not itchy down there and my vulvas not swollen anymore but i still have the weird smell and a good bit of discharge. also when i was peeing this morning i realized a couple of white chunks (almost like cum but i didn’t have sex) when i peed. so should i go to the doctor or what do y’all think i have? any advice and tips are appreciated !!