

I was diagnosed with stage 1 endometriosis in July of 2016 after a laporscopic endoscopy. I was put on Lupron injections for 6 moths, basically sending me into menopause while on the injections into a few months after the last injection. Everything was fine. I was put in a birth control that was supposed to help keep the endo at bay and haven’t had any issues sense. I know I was one of the lucky ones to have caught it so soon.

Fast forward to this summer. My husband and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary and decided to start trying for a baby. I quit the birth control at the beginning of May. My cycle from then to early June was about a week longer, which I figured was my body just regulating. This month I did the ovulation sticks sparcly never getting a positive. We didn’t try super hard this month still waiting for my body to regulate. We went out of town two weekend ago (12th-14th) the day before my period was schedule according to Glow to start I tested so I knew if I should expect AF that weekend or not. It was negative. Went about my weekend and she never showed. Tested again Thursday since it was now almost a week late on an already 35 day cycle and it was negative, not even a vvvfl. I triple checked. I’m now going on 11 days late and don’t know if I should test again or call my doctor or what. This just isn’t normal for my body even before the surgery, injections, and birth control. Help!