Hurt and can’t take it


What do you do when you have no more fight in you and you just let all of life take you down?

I’m falling and no one can see me I put up the biggest front for the world as if I have it all together and I help everyone with what there going through but when it come to me I feel I have no one to count on my mom is my best friend but she is still my mom and I can’t tell her everything because I don’t want to hurt her or worry her it is just so much going on in my head and I can’t seem to figure it all out I just feel so lost in this world I feel this world no longer needs me I lost so much in the last two years then I ever did in my life and I don’t know how to handle it i’m self-medicating and self-destructing The only reason I wake up every morning because of my five kids and my mother I just can’t put them through the hurt that I’m feeling so I live in this world suffering and no one sees it I’m ready for the end I pray for that day to finely be at peace with no more pain