Mediums scamming those who are grieving

Honestly fuck them. I’ve been suffering for years for losing my father. I’d watch videos of mediums connecting people with their loved ones and just was in awe at how amazing it was. I never tried it myself because I never felt ready emotionally.

Well finally after 10 years of losing him I thought okay I want to try this. I told my brother and he said you know it’s not real right. And I said how do you know unless you try, he showed me a penn & teller bullshit video where they point out the misses of the reader. They also say if they’re actually communicating with the dead how do they possibly fuck up any information?? Really opened my eyes

Made me mad that people prey on the vulnerable just for some money. Here I was all these years just hoping it could be true, and after watching the bullshit video I went back to the other videos of mediums with clients and I was able to see all the misses so clearly. These people aren’t even that good at cold readings the clients are just too vulnerable and want to connect with their loved ones so badly that they believe it.

Breaks my heart. Fuck you if you claim to be a medium or psychic y’all fake 😪