Sleep problems- HELP


Addendum- I’ve never been more grateful to a group of strangers before in my life. Mom strength and support sure is real! I really, really, REALLY appreciate your kind words and support and suggestions. I’m going to reply individually- but you all are beautiful and amazing creatures. Thank you.

Ok, so I have no one else I can ask about this. All of my friends babies “sleep like angels”. My lass, not so much. She never has. Even when she’s exhausted, she closes her eyes for seconds and opens them right back up.

She cries and screams, I’ve gone back to holding her until she falls asleep because, frankly, she doesn’t self soothe (seriously, this kid will SCREAM for 40 minutes.) and I know she needs comfort. I’m an affectionate person, so if I need snuggles when I’m upset, she must need it more.

Anyway- she’s also rolling back to belly (but not belly to back) and will roll on her tummy at night, and wake crying. All. Night. Long. So, she’s back in her DockATot in her crib (please- don’t shame me. I’m hanging on an emotional thread) and she’s sleeping a bit longer. She wakes to eat around 4, but won’t go back to sleep, no matter how hard I try. She’ll get sleepy around

630, but then we’re on our way to daycare and she won’t nap there until all the kids are settled. She’s nosy and loves the kids. Which makes for a very, very crabby little lady at home and at daycare (I’m afraid they hate us!) - and my time after work is spent with both of us crying. I feel like such a failure. I can’t seem to help my love bug sleep. I’ve tried everything, putting her down while drowsy, wearing her, holding her, letting her be in her crib- WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!?! Even at home- I watch for her sleep cues and immediately hop into our routine. I feel like I’m failing her and she deserves so, so much better than me. She had colic, then reflux, then teething- now this. I feel like the worst mama in the world- my babe cries so, so much. I can’t fix it.