Is my baby teething? Pics!



My baby girl is only 10 weeks old. Shes been drooling excessively and eating her hands and wont take bottle. I snapped some pics. My mom said i had all ym teeth bt 6 months when i was a baby.

What are those white bubbles/pockets

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Posted at
My baby is doing the same. The doctor told me It’s normal babies at 2 months start drooling like crazy and putting their hands in their mouth since they have officially discovered them.


Posted at
Not teething I don't think (I'm a dentist) well it doesn't seem like it from the photo.I think it's that they discover their hands and have so many sensory receptors in their mouths that they explore them like that.


Nabiha • Jul 25, 2019
It's a bit blurry but i don't think so


As • Jul 24, 2019
Adding pic above


As • Jul 24, 2019
Is this a tooth coming through?


Posted at
Shes defintely teething. Hubby said shes ripping at her face and knawing her hand constantly


Posted at
That’s what both of my babies’ gums looked like pretty much from birth. Baby teeth are there and you can see them through the gums but doesn’t necessarily mean they’re anywhere close to erupting. Drooling and hand discovery are normal at this age. Mine’s drooling a ton but hasn’t gotten the hands in yet, I’m impatiently waiting for that lol