Missed some pills, early period??


Alright so, really sorry for the tmi but, while i was in camp I ran out of my birth control pills. I wasn’t able to get them until a few days after I got back from camp and I missed around 5. I started taking them again as normal and this is the first time I should be having my period since my last (28 days). But, it’s not supposed to come for another 6 days. My discharge is a little bit on the pink side and I’ve never had a period this early before. Is it because of the pills I missed? It might not actually be an early period, could just be spotting before my period but I’ve also never spotted before. I’m not really wore I was just hoping to get a second opinion on it. By the way, I did make sure that it was just discharge on the tp. And I’m not sexually active at all.