Postpartum body


I had my little babe almost ten months ago and I’ve been struggling to accept my body ever since. I am fairly skinny but my skin is still super stretched. It’s my little pouch. Will it ever go away? I have stretch marks from my boobs down to my calves. Will they go away? I’m bloated 90% of the time and my boobs are horribly big and saggy. My hips are now as wide as a truck and my thighs are so fat. It’s been hard on my mental health but I have an amazing girl and I couldn’t feel more blessed. I really wish people would accept and appreciate our postpartum bodies. We’re still beautiful and we’ve literally given birth to a human. Of course we aren’t going to snap back right away. It takes time. I am feeling so self conscious lately I can’t even have sex without my shirt on. But I’m trying. I know my body is beautiful regardless but, my mind still hurts. The amount of people that think it’s okay to comment badly on my body really disgusts me.