If a child shoots their self with a gun the parents left out on the dresser should they be charged with their child’s death?


So this story actually happened!!

My older cousin 3 year old son was in another room and my cousin and his wife were downstairs, they left their 3 children

3 years, 1 years old, and 5 months in their room sleeping. My 3 year old cousin some how slips into the another room and ends up seeing the gun playing w it and shoots hisself in the eye. He was bought to the hospital kept on life support for 3 days and unfortunately didn’t make it! The whole thing is very sad and was a very emotional hardship for my cousin to deal with! I sometimes wonder if they ever blame themselves for what happen but I’m a praying warrior and I’m always praying I just pray that don’t feel that their child death was their fault but living in reality Ik they do feel it is...

What are your thoughts on situations like this even if the child were to live should the parents face any type of punishment?

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