C. • 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍👨👨‍👩‍👦👣❤️

Was induce on June 20th around 3-4pm, broke my water around 5:45am on June 21st, I was open at 5, we went into the labor room right away, around 6am it started pushing, the nurse told me to not push since I was only open at 5 like 15 minutes ago... But I told her there was a huge pressure... Around 6:10am the doctor checked me since I was starting to push a little... I was open at 9 so he told me to push... Around 6:15am we started pushing for real!!! And at 6:23am... He was here ❤️

Lennox 💙 8lbs 13oz 👣 born at 36w5d

(Good thing they induce me, he would have been more than 10lbs haha)