36weeks 5days... He broke up with me.


Haven’t fully wrapped my head around any of it yet but the title says it all. I chose to move home to have this baby here. My support system is here. I have a 16month old from a previous relationship it was the best decision to make for both my kids. I have my family here and they are more than helpful and are more than supportive and love my son and soon to be second boy to death. So 1 year ago I met this baby’s father we’ve known each other forever( friend of the family) well me being dumb I see it now, moved in with him. He lived with his father and still does. He is 28years old and has never been on his own or tried to be. Moving I quit my job and solely became a stay at home mom cause he worked and couldn’t watch my son and daycare is super expensive!! So fast forward I find out I’m pregnant and he didn’t want the child and I said okay then sign your rights over and really think about that choice cause it’s a big one to make. And since then things have been okay and he wanted the baby this whole time. Until this personal issue of us needing to move (cause at his dads the house has mice and is so filthy the only room suitable to have a child in is the one we fixed the second I moved there. And that’s no life for a one year to be trapped in a room all day) now not only stayed between us but he told his entire family they told him not to move so now he’s still gonna stay living with his dad. And that’s 4hrs away from here. I could have a baby any day now my doctors appt was yesterday and he broke up with me last night. Not quite sure what to do. I was doing it alone before him but this pregnant having a baby I won’t be able to work anytime soon so I’m at a lose for what to do there. As well as anything else going forward. I had my own home and job when I originally moved to be with him and now no longer have either.