My dad passed away Friday ,


My dad passed away Friday .... I was really close to him . I saw him the day before he died . My step mom called me crying sayin something was wrong and that she wanted me to come by so she had a second opinion. I came over he seemed fine but my dad knows how to put up a front .i spent his last dinner with him , we laughed we talked he smiled a lot and enjoyed me being there . The next day I felt a little off I went to work feeling reckless and not giving a shit . I went home like Normal until 12 am my sister called she wanted to talk to my boyfriend I gave him the phone he laid me on the bed gave me the phone and that’s when I got the news I stood up in shock and disbelief and fell right down to the ground crying and screaming saying this isn’t real I just saw him he was fine !!!!! I felt high I felt drunk I felt a whole wave of things I couldn’t even think clearly . As each day goes by I have different feelings and emotions during the day . Sometimes I feeling so sad I just cry all day , some days I’m just laying in bed numb some days I’m just pushing the fact my dad is gone out of my head . I lost my mom when I was 13 I coped a weird way and I don’t really remember how I got through it ... can someone please give me advice or tell me how I should feel how I can get through this . Alll I do now is sleep and just waste my life away . I feel so weak I only come out of the room to go to the bathroom .