period gone whack.


On the last 6 days of one of my pill packs I lost the package and for 3 days I missed and 3days I doubled up. My period started on the 2nd missed day and ended when I had finished doubling up. (2 day period) when on the reminder pills it started on the 3rd or 4th reminder and was cut off when I started my new pack. Since then my period has been in the middle of the reminder week and “cut off” each time. I want to line it back up, so it’s on the 2nd day like normal. Will waiting do that or should I wait till my next period finished naturally before I start my next pack so it’s lined back up?

This really wouldn’t be a problem but I always panic regardless on if I could be pregnant (do not want.) this has been a pattern for about 2 cycles and I really don’t like the panic, and neither does my BF who panics too. Help!