What's the weirdest, creepiest, strangest thing that ever happened to you or that you witnessed?


I'm a little bored and reading creepy stories is one of my favorite past times. What's your story? Here's mine:

When I was in college, I was a part of a service organization. One, of our service projects was to clean up the levee along the Mississippi River. At the end of our route was this old abandoned cargo port. To get there you had to cross a bridge that was bound to collapse at any given moment, but we decided to explore anyway. Blue as we were crossing the bridge, we notice that there were already 2 or 3 guys exploring the area. By the time we got to the port, they were gone. I started thinking my mind was playing tricks on me until one of my friends questioned there whereabouts. The bridge was the only way to get on and off the port, but they never passed us. Also, the area wasn't that big, so it would have been hard to miss them. The only other way off the dock was off into the Mississippi. To this day, there's no explanation of how they got off the dock if the didn't fall into the river.

The end. It's not that creepy but it's the first thing that came to mind. If I think of a better story I'll post in the comments.😊