My husband's sister is driving me crazy


I've been with my now husband, for going on 6 years. I've met his sister 1 time. She has had me blocked on facebook since we have been together and I've literally never had a problem with her. She lives thousands of miles away so shes not an active part of anyone's life where we live. 2017 I was raped and conceived my perfect daughter. We broke up over it and just recently got back together. We are now expecting baby #2 and just got married on sunday. His sister unblocked me the day after our wedding and tried adding me on facebook. I'm not sure if it's my hormones or what but I'm seriously sooo annoyed that shes hated me for so long for no reason and now we are married and having another baby she is trying to my "friend". I guess I'm just venting and wanting to hear of similar stories because this is making me crazy tonight😂