24 weeks with twins and a hospital visit.

Bethany • Happily Married💍👫. First baby is in heaven👼. Momma to 2 boys 🧒🧒. Pregnant🤰with baby girl 👶.

So, today I am exactly 24 weeks with my boys today. Yesterday I was having contractions but I couldn't tell if they were Braxton hicks or actual contractions. I had been having them since 10am and by the time my husband got home at 11pm I felt like I was having actual labor contractions but my water had not broken. We ended up calling my OB and we went to the hospital where I was put on observation. They checked me and hooked me up to their machines and they said that I was just having Braxton hicks. My doctor told me to take it easy that way I wouldn't have them early. I'm so relieved right now. I thought that I was going to deliver early.