Baby sleeping through the night


I have been pumping and giving my 3 week old son 3oz every 3 hours for two weeks. We also supplement with the same amount of formula since I don’t have enough milk throughout the day to support that. He regained his birth weight quickly and put on another pound. Our pediatrician told me to supplement two ounces after breastfeeding but we have trouble patching and baby gets frustrated or falls asleep so now he mostly gets bottles and I attempt nurse 1-2 times daily.

I was wondering when we begin to stretch out feedings and increase quantity. We go to the doctor on the 31st and I will ask her. I’m looking for others opinions because I hear so many different things. Baby gets formula at night. Lots of people I know tell me their formula fed babies sleep six hours or more and take 4-6 oz. my husband and I could use more rest! Tonight I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep by accident and baby slept 4 hours after last feeding. He didn’t seem in anymore distress than usual.