Progress! 27+2

Ariel • 🤵👰 Mrs. MGR 5 January 2019 🤱 Mommy to MJR 2 October 2019 and ALMR October 2023 🤱

We're having a penguin themed nursery for our little girl 😊 I'm really excited

We haven't had our baby shower yet, so we don't have much of our penguin decor yet... in fact the only things we have so far is a painting I did (which I'm proud of so please don't bash it lol) and her initials that I penguinized. Enjoy these pics!

The colors are lavender (which photographs more pink than it is in real life) and dark lavender

This is from the gender reveal. My sister made this calendar and had everyone in our family (both mine and hubby's side) put their name down on the date they think the baby will come.

Show me what you have done so far!