Moving in with boyfriend of 3 years

We’ve been dating 3 years. He got offered a job in another state and asked me to go.

After he interviewed he asked if I was ok with him going, then asked me to go. Said I could move right away with him or let him get settled first. I never really gave a yes or no answer because I needed to do some research on jobs to see if I could actually get one there.

It had been like 4-5 months since he interviewed so I didn’t think he got it and they just offered it to him.

Since he got the job offer I started looking at jobs down there and found a few I want to apply to.

Is it ok to apply, even though he hasn’t brought it up yet and it’s not set in stone? He’ll be moving in a month and going down the week before to get settled so I’ll need to start applying soon to jobs.