Edit: i tried to fix it! CALLING ALL MAKEUP GURUS


Hey ladies, thank you for responding! You know it’s funny, I took the pictures and thought I looked like a drag queen but a) I love drag queens and b) I didn’t realize it was the eyebrows making me look that way!

My eyebrows are a victim of severe over plucking when I was younger and they unfortunately never really grew back... so I kinda just wing it lol.

As for the other suggestions, I am gonna try again and see if it looks better/more natural. I don’t really have an ego when it comes to makeup cause I’ve always been so bad at it, so I really do appreciate all the feedback!

Are my eyebrows an improvement here? They’re still pretty archy but I tried to

So, I suck at makeup. I have been practicing but when I’m done I always feel like it’s just.... OFF.

I decided to try for a fun sparkly look and idk. I would really love any feedback on how I can improve this.

Also... my nose is really crooked, it’s not just bad contour 😂

Can you ladies please also share your best look/tip?

