A home remedy for depression.

I'm 28 years old. I'm depressed. I cry all the time. I have good days; but a lot of the time I feel nothing. Sometimes it's so bad I can't breathe. I feel broken. I feel useless. My depression gave me anxiety that's worsened over the years. I have a loving husband. He's perfect. He wants to help but I don't want drugs. I just want to be happy. I'm a stay at home wife so don't have human interaction. I have no friends and haven't since high school. I don't go outside because my neighbors freak me out so it's just me by myself 13 hours a day Monday through Friday. But my neighbors are not bad people---just loud, obnoxious, and they stare a lot. They're always outside along with a ton of company at all times. I don't want anyone to look at me. I start to have panic attacks if they do so going out for air doesn't happen. It's not fair for my husband and I. I want help but don't want to be under the influence of drugs especially ones that can be addictive or side effects of suicidal thoughts.