

I just want to say the word growth.At times I am not always the most leveled head person,but I am always the most emotional personal.Today I found the growth within my myself speak to the father of my children,who we both still live together,and I am planning on taking my children and getting a place of my own for me and my children,cause we no longer together.Last month I found out that he had a girlfriend,and today I found out that he is moving to Connecticut with this woman,that he has only known for a few months.I ask him does his family know and he said yes,but they don’t like the situation,about him dating and we still under one roof together,but what can I stay he is doing what is best for him.But I have to say I feel like I am handling the situation pretty well and taking it one day at a time.My hope is that he still active in his children’s lives and I hope me and his family can maintain a health relationship so my kids can know their dad side of the family.As for me I don’t think I am really ready to date yet,but who knows life happens right.I respect any comments,and advice given thank you.