I don’t know how to feel but it feels good..



My grandma and I haven’t been seeing eye to eye on parenting lately

She just doesn’t understand how things that were okay back then are not deemed as okay now

I have a certain way of doing things with my son

I wouldn’t bat an eye (hope that’s the correct term) if I saw someone else do it with their kid, but I just couldn’t with my own.

But I realized my grandma was trying to talk to my cousins wife about my parenting styles and how she doesn’t agree with them

And much to my grandmas surprise... she agreed with me 😂

And my grandma and I were talking and she was trying to talk down on my cousins girlfriends parenting to me because apparently she doesn’t give her daughter juice and doesn’t let her sleep with a blanket.

I can’t say much on the juice subject, but I know a lot of parents don’t give their children juice and that’s what I told my grandma. But I also agreed with not giving a baby a blanket to sleep with 😂 and I told my grandma that my son isn’t allowed to sleep with a blanket unless being swaddled either.

I was really starting to think maybe I just overreact or something

But now that I know I have an actual family member (and not just internet people) on my side I feel a lot better

And I haven’t even met this family member yet 😂 and now I really want to

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