Stressed Mommy/Nurse


Just came to ask/vent about having new baby and stressful work environment anyone struggling to juggle the two? I cringe when it’s time to go to work 😩 I was off for the past 6 days because I ended up in the ED with chest pain this past weekend and then I had M-W already scheduled off. So I’m on for Thursday and Friday and I am stressed about going to work tonight 😑 at home I do ok with taking care of the hubs and the boys BUT once I’m jumping back and forth something always lacks and it’s usually our diet 😢 with this pending cardiac issue I’m just so overwhelmed with cooking and exercise in between working and taking care of my kids. Anyone found a happy medium or have any suggestions? I’m a RN so some shifts can really blindside you and knock you off your square and then others can be laid back and you think “I can do this” with the unknown I never know, end rant. Thanks for listening, praying tonight is as smooth as possible.