Abort it or not...

I don’t want to become a single mother....me and this guy are dating and we have sex here and there .....we trying to get serious and he do wants a future with me ..so it’s a possibility that I might be pregnant from my doctors appointment cause lately I was feeling ill ....soooo I told his sister and ask for

Advice and told her to not tell

Him until I got confirmation that i am

...soooo she told him anyways ..he blew up my phone and started asking questions and I told him and he freaked out ...like he’s not ready even tho he already have a child that’s three years of age and that’s it’s too early to have one at the moment...he also said that he feels the baby will separates us and that he don’t wanna be with just cause I have a child by him ...he wants with to be me for me ...and I’m like ...I lost a child last year naturally and know I might be having a child again kinda freaks me out as well but I’m ready to take that responsibility...I’m super stable and able to take care of the child on my own but I want him as well by my side together ....not just be there ...be my man and be a father ....he also scared that the other Bm will put him on child support and im like soooo and we can go thru this ...but anyways I’m feeling guilty cause I wanna keep it but I feel stupid for telling his sister about the possibility that it’s might or might not be..and she didn’t give me the opportunity to tell him myself....until I got that confirmation u know...I feel he is going to not want to be serious with me if I decide to have this child ...but I asked him if I aborted the child without him knowing will he pissed ....and he said yeah and I’m like u still wanted to abort the child so what’s the problem ....anywho ....im like I feel like it is earlier but when imma have a chance like this again and how this abortion will affect me if I decide to go thru with it