What to do

Is it normal to feel like I’m not doing enough with my 1 month old babe? I just have this anxiety/ guilty feeling that I don’t do enough with her if that makes sense. We do tummy time and of course I sing and talk to her etc. but I don’t know is it normal to feel bad and like I should be doing more with her

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Posted at
I feel like this too, but there's really not much they can do yet! Enjoy the quiet times, before you know it they'll be running around the house


Posted at
I play sensory videos on Youtube for him, tummy time, sing to him, talk to him and have him "talk" back. We go for walks everyday. He plays on his playmat. Thats really all you can do right now.


Posted at
I feel this way, too! My mom said “I hope you’re taking her out of her bassinet, does she stay in there all the time?”She’s a sleepy baby! Most days, talking to her during feeding and diaper changes is all I get to do and she’s right back asleep. Mostly because I have to hold her after feeding for acid reflux. We don’t do tummy time that much on a mat, but we do it on our chests right now. She’ll play a game of sticking her tongue out when we do it. But that’s about it. I feel so guilty that most of the time she’s laying in her bassinet but she wants to sleep!


Waffle33 • Jul 26, 2019
My son naps a ton, too. I feel like it’s all he does some days.


El • Jul 25, 2019
Thank you💕


Gi • Jul 25, 2019
Don’t feel guilty at all. You’re doing exactly what she needs. She needs her sleep and you’re letting her sleep. Good job momma!!


Posted at
I feel the same! Plus when he's up, a majority of the time he's fussy so I'm just trying to help soothe him back to sleep until his next feeding.


Posted at
Yes!!! 100%!! I read to her, sing to her, talk to her ALLLL day, hold her, try and get her on her playmat for tummy time.. shake toys in her face lol but still feel bad for the times I put her down or anything. Such a struggle!


Posted at
Right now my baby (6+1 weeks) just screams. I feel bad, before she did we would do tummy time and we'd play on her play mat and in her chair with her rattles. Right now she has 1 hour or so of that before she goes right back to screaming continuously, so we can't really do any of that stuff. All she wants to do is for me to pat her back until she falls asleep.


Posted at
I downloaded the Kinedu app to help give me more ideas of what to do with my baby ❤️ there’s really not much you can do with them nowIdk if it’s normal, but I too have trouble feeling like I don’t do enough