My best friend broke my heart..

In order to understand this, I have to give you back story, I was 15 when I had my first baby. As much as I didn't want to let him go I did because I knew I wasn't able to take care of him especially with the circumstances of his conception (rape). I debated every option for him, and decided to give him to a nice couple my friend was related to who couldn't have kids.

I am pregnant again at 18, with a boy. When my first was born I told myself the next one is all mine. I have been struggling with depression, and a lot of stress because I feel like my boyfriend even tho he cares he doesn't think I need to prepare so much. (This is his 5th) I tell him he doesn't understand that I have to prepare.

My best friend of 4 years came to see me when I was at my lowest. I had been crying for hours and I just wanted to feel positive emotions. She waited till I had stopped crying for about 20 minutes and on the vow I made to myself she told me that I am unfit to be a mother, and too unstable. She proceeded to tell me that her sister in law or herself want to adopt my son. I have chosen his name, I had a baby shower, and my family has gotten everything he needs. It broke my heart that she wanted to take advantage of me being at a low point. It broke my heart that she'd even ask she knew I wanted this baby even before I was pregnant.

Did I react wrong by cutting her out of my life? For now not trusting her to watch my baby in fear she will find a way to deem me unfit and take him? I live with his dad and he makes sure I am ok and even is taking me to get counseling to ensure my post partum depression doesn't get too out of control.