Feeling discouraged.. 🌈


Feeling discouraged, looking for some hope...

Found out I was pregnant back at the beginning of May - my husband & I’s 4 year anniversary. The most perfect, most amazing news since we found out together. I carried that sweet baby for 8 weeks, found out at the 8 week ultrasound we lost the heartbeat. My world shattered but I made it through better than I thought I would, even though I still hurt everyday. I miscarried with medication June 12th. Bled for about 3 days pretty heavily, and then spotted on & off for about 3ish weeks I think? I was miserable but again, made it through.

I still kept track of my ovulation just in case of a miracle but nothing...

Fast forward to last night/today, (July 23-24 - 6 weeks since) & I’m getting sore boobs, mild cramping, headaches/dizziness - so in my mind I was thinking “Ok cool, my periods coming back”... I had spotted super lightly last night and into this morning..... now, NOTHING. What in the world.... I’ve been on and off spotting and it’s been so aggravating, now I’m not sure what my body’s doing.

Has anyone else experienced this??

When did your period come back? Did you track ovulation? Did you become pregnant again right away??

Encouraging words/Prayers appreciated. ❤️