Can't handle it anymore....

How do you guys balance life?

I work full time. Have a 2 year old. 18 weeks pregnant.

Both my husband and I work full time and my mom watches my 2 year old as well as both my sisters kids as well. And soon this new baby. She's basically told us she cant do it anymore. It's getting to be too much. I am going to lose a sitter.... I have no one else to watch her.

I am having to start physical therapy on top of this stress and they want me going 2 times a week. I need to do this but that's just not possible with my job... like at all. The hours dont work with my work schedule because they are closed by the time I get off work. I can only go on my day off during the week and this would mean my mom will have to watch my daughter EVEN on my day off... I dont want to put her out even more.

I can hardly even do my job with my condition. I was doing physical therapy after I had my daughter and now that I am pregnant again my problem is returning. I dont wont it to progress like it did last time.

My husband is saying I should put my notice in and stay home. After all, daycare would be an entire wage as it is. My job is what provides the health care, which of course we need. I am at a loss and just emotionally and physically drained from trying to figure life out right now.

Has anyone had a struggle similar to mine? What did you do? Any advice?

Thank you!