Men! 😡 help!

So this might get lengthy so I apologize.

I have been with my SO for 4 1/2 years. We have a 13 month old together. Don’t get me wrong I love this man to death. BUT

here’s the story. We have been looking to buy a house for 3 years now. Every time I think we’ve found the perfect house and we are about to sign for it.... he backs out. Either he says we can’t afford it or he’s not sure if it’s the right one. We’ve been living in his grandmothers houses for about 2 1/2 years. First her extra house, then she sold it 2 weeks before I was due so we had to move into her house that she currently resides. This was supposed to be temporary. Well here we are 14 months later still here. But now... his gma says we have a month to figure out our 💩💩 before she kicks us out... baby in toe. My SO works A LOT. Like 80 hours a week. We barely get to see him. And when he doesn’t work he has a bunch of friends that want his attention too. I tried talking to him tonight about trying to pick a house again to go look at but we can’t seem to agree on anything. I literally just want a livable house that’s safe for my child. I don’t care where or how much it cost (within reason)

He’s all like 3 beds 2 baths more than 2k square feet less that 93k in this certain location, not in flood zone and everything updated. Oh and cheaper the better. I told him he wants to pay nothing for a big something. That’s not going to happen. I’m so frustrated. And he doesn’t want to rent bc that’s just “throwing money into the fire”

I’m so freaking stressed bc I will not be homeless with a baby. It’s just not happening. I’ll move in with my dad 1 1/2 hours away from him. I just don’t know how to get it through his head that he can’t be this picky and he needs to figure out what the H he wants to do. Any advice ladies!!! Thank you for reading if you made it this far.