CD39 10 DAYS LATE 🍼👶🏽?

I'm on cycle day 39 & I'm 10 days late ... I've taken 2 test but both BFN I'm waiting another week to test again but gosh this wait is so frustrating .. I just want to know already!!
I mean has anyone been pregnant and the test just didn't show up for you?? I'd think if I was pregnant it would have shown up as it's been 3 weeks since ovulating .....
Also along with my late period my nipples are super sensitive & I think just around the nipple is going dark and growing ... My breasts started itching the other day on the sides so I'd assume they were growing as well ...
I have had on and off pinching cramps and on and off nausea for the last 3 weeks (worse In the morning but haven't been sick yet)
I have slight food craving but not too wild ..
I have super smell ( I can smell things a mile away)
And while I was ovulating (3 weeks ago) I felt VERY ill I had cramps and just felt off 
Could this month be the month or could this be in my head😥
(Posted again as I need answers people !!) lol