Anyone's December 2017 baby still not talking?


So my son is 19 months and still isn't saying anything! He is very clever and has no trouble understanding but no desire to try and talk! He's said the mum mum mum mum sounds but if I say who am I? He won't do it or he's never just said mum? Because he wants me etc he also goes 'oh' if he does something silly like drops something etc but that's it! Anyone else in same boat? Should they be talking by now? He's always been a doer very go go go all the time he's awake he never stops he's more interested in bounding around I think x

Update guys!!!! He's literally as of yesterday (31/7/19) started saying "oh no" all day long!!! Its the most funniest precious sweetest thing 😂 can't believe he chose to say something after I wrote this post! Typical. Thankyou for everyone that's commented its helpful reading the difference in all children the same age as Grey. X