I’ve been crying for 3days straight 😢😢

Okay so here it goes...

Please read! I really need advice.

I’ve been with my now ex boyfriend for 2years. Our relationship wasn’t perfect, but whos is. I have a son from a previous relationship & so does he. We’ve both been living in our parents homes raising our children, and ever since we met, we promised each other we’d move out together and continue to raise our children in our OWN home as a family and eventually expand our family.

We have found a place about a month ago and our move in date is August 1st. Super exciting right! I’ve been buying literally everything for us to move in, even before we found a place bc I’m very optimistic and I knew it was coming bc I felt it. All that I’ve dreamed about is finally coming true. I’ve met the man of my dreams, our kids are best friends and love each other, my boyfriend wants to marry me, his son wants me to be his step mom, and I’ll finally have my family together under one roof making our house a Home ♥️

That dream of mine came crashing down 3days ago......😔💔

My boyfriend had been going through things with his sons mom literally throughout our entire relationship bc she still isn’t over him. I’ve dealt with threats from her, seeing her send nasty txt to him about my son, and more. She’ll do anything to tear us apart and see him unhappy with me. For the past few months, things on her end have gotten quiet & they seemed to be having a smooth co-parenting situation. He’s even asked her if he could keep his son when he moved out,she agreed. But to be honest I don’t think she believed he was going to actually move out bc now that the time is near and he’s asking for his son...she’s back on that same stuff again, but this time she’s telling him he can’t see his son. And she’s putting him on child support. He’s tried calling and even pulled up a few times to see his son. But was ignored. I can imagine he was hurting BAD bc he loves his son. And all I tried to do was be there for him the best way I knew how.

During this feud between him and his sons mom, he’s been extremely distant from me & my son, the affection is gone, when we had sex I could tell he wasn’t interested & told me he only did it bc he could tell I was in the mood, he doesn’t talk to me about their situation anymore, he’s been bottling everything up and it was tearing me apart bc he wasn’t showing any type of emotion, even seeing me cry bc I’m hurting seeing him hurt and seeing him distancing himself from me. After weeks of that...3days ago he suggested that he moves in “our” place alone until he can clear his head...

Legally the place is in his name bc he had the better credit, yes I questioned him about putting me down as subleaser for my own sense of security but he reassured me that I have nothing to worry about because he’d never do anything like that to me or my son...and bc I trusted him, I said okay.

I told him since that I won’t accept that bc that’s extremely selfish and irrational and he isn’t thinking clearly. And you wouldn’t do that to someone you claim you loved especially when you know how much we were looking forward to this. His response was that he didn’t want to break up and that he just needed space, he’d give me a key and I could come and go as I please, and that it would be temporary. But I feel extremely belittled bc he feels like he has the power to override our plan to move in together for his own selfish reasons. That’s not love to me bc if he loved me, he’d want me by his side no matter what.

He’s been texting me since, expressing how he doesn’t want me to leave him.

I recently blocked him yesterday.

I keep wishing this was a dream and that he’d call me saying he made a big mistake.

Idk what to do...part of me wants to give him this space and continue to be with him but another part is saying that’s not love you need to move on.

Please share advice.