Body confidence😍

Annamarie • Clinical mental health counseling major 🤓🧠💊🧬❤️ Proud Army wife 🇺🇸 🎗 FTM to a girl: 7/11/2020🤱🏻

So I was finally confident enough this summer to wear a two piece🤗 long story short: I had anorexia in high school and got down to 90lbs- I’m 5’2”, but my healthy weight after treatment was between 115-125. When I moved to Maryland 2.5 years ago, I was around 140 and still felt very comfortable. I got depressed and gained 40lbs.. taking me to 180. I’m currently down 20lbs and still 20lbs away from my comfortable weight but I am learning to love my body at all weights and not hide it🤗🥰