New group for IVF Sept/October 2019

Dana • We have one amazing 5yo IVF baby. 41 and TTC #2. After 4 retrievals with 6 failed transfers, we're doing a few Hail Mary IUIs in Feb/March to use up our donor sperm, then closing the book on TTC 🤞

Hi all. I'll be starting <a href="">IVF</a> round #3 in September and noticed there was no group for that yet (there is one for FET).

I found my <a href="">IVF</a> "month group" really helpful during the first few rounds as everyone's going through treatment at the same time, so I've started one for Set/Oct - feel free to pop in if you're doing egg retrieval or FET in the next few months.

The group is (very originally 😂) called "<a href="">IVF</a> September/October 2019"
