Episiotomy Question


I had a 2nd degree tear up and down my vagina opening and an episiotomy 4 weeks ago. At first when I would touch it and look at it it was all stitched up and felt bunched up and tight I guess from swelling. I saw the doctor a few days later due to increased pain and she said I had deep tissue bruising but it looked great. This week I checked it and it looked totally different. The edges were no longer together, I could see yellow stitches inside, and a small red/pink wound bed. I am a wound nurse so I knew it didn’t look awful but I saw the doctor that day. She said it’s because I am breastfeeding and my estrogen is naturally low so it’s healing slow but didn’t look bad. She also said it is “friable and bleeds easy”. She prescribed me an estrogen cream I apply twice daily and am to see how it looks in a week. It’s been four days and looks pretty much the same I think? Anyone else experience issues with their episiotomy?