My husband is AMAZING Support when it comes to our children

Currently, I am prego with #3. I've made some mistakes with my 3yr old son in my discipline and what not... Of course, my heart was heavy...

My husband puts our son down to bed and talks with him. After he comes out we talk.... I lose it, balling my eyes out... Filled with remorse and guilt of the past 3 years of my son's life. How much dumb things I did (nothing severe), as I look at the pic of him as a baby hanging in our living room wall, wondering about his future and how he'll turn up...

My husband us a patient man. He reassures me and tells me our son is fine... He's just a toddler going through phases etc. My man is pretty level headed, thank God! I'm just a ball of hormones and have had mood swings come out of nowhere and also lack of sleep (pregnancy discomfort).

Anyways, I'm balling my eyes on the couch, and my husband goes back into our son's and talks with him a bit, and tells him mommy needs him says go give her hugs and cuddles. So my baby boy comes out with all smiles and sweetness. I hold him and then my husband encourages me to take him back and sing him a few songs (that's what our baby loves before lights out).

All I guess I want to say, a mother cannot be a great mother without a spouse who is there to support 100% in all areas, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually (married). I'm just grateful I kept my heart locked till the right one came and unlocked it!