Pain/cramping after not pumping for a day?


I’ve been pumping for my daughter who was just born 10 days ago. Yesterday was hectic(I have a 15mo and 4yo as well) and I didn’t end up pumping at all. Last night I ended up getting super bad cramps, I could’ve cried.. I sat in the shower for a while which hardly helped. Took some advil when I got out which didn’t work well so I took Tylenol as well. Helped enough to get some sleep at least but it still hurts this morning when I got up. Especially when I stand up or walk, cramps and pain in my bottom.

Would this be related to not pumping yesterday at all? Or something more serious?

I’ve felt totally fine since she was born until last night. Delivery was normal vaginal with epidural, no tears etc. Really hope nothing serious is wrong with me!